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北国街道は追分(信濃追分)にて中山道と分かれ、直江津にて北陸道に合流する江戸時代の重要な陸路であった。 佐渡で採れた金の輸送や北陸の諸大名の参勤交代のほか、善光寺街道とも呼ばれ善光寺参りの人々でも賑わった街道である。 特に小諸から長野、小布施に至る千曲川沿いは歴史を感じる街並みが今でも多く残っている。

The Hokkoku Kaido was an important overland route in the Edo period, splitting off from the Nakasendo at Oiwake (Shinano Oiwake) and joining the Hokuriku Kaido at Naoetsu. In addition to transporting gold from Sado Island and the daimyo (feudal lords) of the Hokuriku region, it was also known as the Zenkoji highway and was crowded with people visiting Zenkoji Temple. In particular, along the Chikuma River from Komoro to Obuse in Nagano, there are still many streets that remind us of the history of the area. Unnojuku was established in 1625 as a post station on the Hokkoku Kaido Road, and many historical buildings still remain and have been designated as an Important Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings. It is located near Shinano Railway's Oya Station. On my way to take photos of the mountainous landscape of Nagano Prefecture, I stopped by to explore the area. All the rice harvesting was over and the fields were covered with hitsujidas (rice paddies), and the season was quickly turning to late autumn.

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