高円寺 in Black&Orange

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I have lived in Ogikubo since I was born. When I was in elementary school, I remember that when I took the local bus, there was a hanging advertisement for the Awa Odori dance in Koenji. Even as an elementary school student, I wondered why Koenji had Awa Odori dancing, and to be honest, I don't remember it being very popular. Nearly half a century later, I had a chance to go to the Koenji Awa Odori dance, and to be honest, I was surprised. The place was packed with people. The number of visitors to the Koenji Awa Odori was about one million, and the Koenji Awa Odori had grown to the same scale as the original Awa Odori. The Awa Odori dance transformed Koenji into an exciting town. The Awa Odori dance was cancelled for a while due to Corona, and although it was held on a smaller scale, it is sure to be revived again this year with one million people. Today, I had the good fortune to go to Koenji for a photo shoot. The city, nurtured by the Awa Odori dance, is an exciting place, and summer suits it well. I tried to capture Koenji in "Black & Orange" using the color of summer, red. Black and Orange" is a popular tone overseas, and is also found in nature, such as in tortoiseshell cats, where the contrast of colors creates a lingering effect.

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